4 October 2015

Double Dragon - Part 1

No, I'm not talking about the excellent video game that I remember playing on the Nintendo Entertainment System when I was a little kid (although now I've written that I kind of do want to write about it) I'm talking about starting the next phase of my inevitable body suit.

I've known for while now that I wanted dragons on my torso. It's a pretty classic design and (maybe subconsciously because of the previously mentioned video game imagery) I've always thought it looks absolutely awesome! 

So before I knew it I was back on the bench under the needle. We got the vast majority of the outlines done on one side and we're going to do the other next week so by that stage all the outlines should be complete.

I'm actually pretty surprised how quick this piece looks like it will come together. It seems much faster than my back which is both excellent and kind of worrying at the same time.

It might sound odd but I'm starting to think about what I'll do when my suit is complete, and I don't mind admitting it's a bit scary. I'm so used to having an ongoing project or future plans that I don't know how I'll fill that void when I'm finished. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, but for now I've got enough to be going on with.

Ryu dragon by Diego Azaldegui

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way Diego used the lighter part of the mikiri from your chest piece to become dragon smoke. I'm impressed by that kind of foresight. Good luck with your next step!
